It’s spring, and that means it’s time March Plantness!  Yes, that’s right, March Plantness – a little California-friendly plant competition!


The Winner of March Plantness 2019 was the CALIFORNIA POPPY!!!!

Although our beautiful State Flower was the winner of March Plantness 2019, let’s face it: these lovelies are all winners.

Who will win in 2020? Who will wilt in the heat of competition?  Who will come out smelling like a rose?  South Bay Green Gardens has put together a 16 plant bracket, where drought-tolerant competitors like California Buckwheat will be tested against formidable opponents like the California Fuchsia, Flannel Bush and Deer Grass (a perennial favorite!).

We will be asking you to vote each week.  For Round One, we have the Sprout Sixteen.  Then it narrows again to the E-leaf Eight, then the Final Flora…and finally, the Championship Round.  Which of our these lovelies win?  Competition starts soon!!  Good luck to all!