Santa Clara Valley Green Gardener Training
to Apr 23

Santa Clara Valley Green Gardener Training

Landscape professionals! The Santa Clara Valley Green Gardener In-Person Training starts February 5, 2025. Learn integrated pest management, soil management and irrigation techniques to meet the growing demand for sustainable landscape maintenance expertise. Register now!

Gardening Pros - grow your business! Meet the demand for Green Gardening practices and expand your business prospects by becoming a trained Green Gardener! This 10-week training will provide you with the key principles of sustainable landscaping. Classes start on February 5, 2025. Register at

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Online Plant Sale
to Mar 29

Online Plant Sale

  • Google Calendar ICS

There is still time to plant before the rainy season ends and we are having another online plant sale at california-native-plant-society-santa-clara-valley-chapter.square.siteplant-society-santa-clara-valley-chapter.square.sitestarting Tuesday, March 25. The store will close when we reach our pickup capacity or at the end of the day on Wednesday, March 26 – whichever comes first.

In addition to plants, the nursery’s online store includes books, labels and plant signs. There is a minimum order of $40.

Pick your plants up with a scheduled pickup at the CNPS SCV Nursery on Friday, March 28 or the Exchange at the Peninsula Conservation Center on Saturday, March 29. No drop-in pickups or sales.

Location: Peninsula Conservation Center is located at 3921 E. Bayshore Road in Palo Alto, First floor meeting rooms

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Native Plant ID
7:00 PM19:00

Native Plant ID

Contact Janet Hoffmann at

Native Plant ID (formerly Keying with Natives) is a Chapter group that works together to learn plant identification using botanical keys and other resources. Join us as we look at plant samples collected from local gardens and practice methods of identifying the native plants of our region. Feel free to bring in plant samples if you have some from property where you have permission to collect or just come and work with the materials provided. We use the current edition of The Jepson Manual as well as other plant guides, and we have copies to share. The Chapter has 10x hand lenses that we can use to look at small plant parts or bring your own lens. Also bring any reference books that you like to use.

Location: Peninsula Conservation Center (PCC), 3921 E. Bayshore Road in Palo Alto. For more information please contact Janet Hoffmann at

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Smart Irrigation technology
6:00 PM18:00

Smart Irrigation technology

The integration of smart technology into outdoor spaces is revolutionizing modern landscaping. Learn how to choose the best system for your landscape. Smart irrigation components include irrigation controllers, rain sensors, soil moisture sensors, water flow systems and more. 

Zoom link will be emailed before the class.

Sign Up: Events

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The Power of Native Gardens
6:30 PM18:30

The Power of Native Gardens

Join us for an informational talk on the ecological benefits of using California native plants in garden design. Native gardens promote biodiversity, support local wildlife, and require less maintenance and water compared to traditional gardens.

Location: Mountain View Public Library, 555 Franklin Street, Mountain View, CA 9404

Date/Time: Wed March 26th, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Sign Up: Events

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Bonny Doon Ecological Reserve Flora Walk
10:00 AM10:00

Bonny Doon Ecological Reserve Flora Walk

Join Joe Cernac for an exploration of the Bonny Doon Ecological Reserve. The walk will be about 3 miles in length with negligible elevation gain. 

Please bring lunch, snacks and plenty of water. Heavy rain cancels.

RSVP is required to join the walk. No drop-ins please and space is limited. To register, visit our Chapter’s Meetup page, here: We open the RSVPs one week before the event. Find your event within the page and tap/click the “Attend” button to reserve your spot.

Driving directions are provided on Meetup. For more information call Joe Cernac at (408) 499-2515.

Location: Bonny Doon Ecological Reserve Flora Walk (Bonny Doon)

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Edgewood Restoration
9:00 AM09:00

Edgewood Restoration

Help restore habitat at Edgewood Park and Natural Preserve, known for fabulous wildflowers and amazing diversity near Redwood City. Weeders see far more than weeds: we get to be up close to the native plants, some of which are seen only by weeders.

Location: Edgewood Park and Natural Preserve

Registration: Email

Cost: None

Link: Edgewood Restoration

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Photography Group - Photo Sharing Meeting
7:00 PM19:00

Photography Group - Photo Sharing Meeting


The CNPS SCV Photo Group meets via zoom on 4th Fridays, 7-8:50pm. In this supportive peer group, beginners and experts are equally welcome. Folks who just want to see pictures and hear photo tips are welcome too.

Register at the link below for the next meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with a zoom link for the meeting.

If you have pictures to share, sign up for a slot. Share your pictures, techniques, and ideas from your desktop via zoom. Slots are 20 minutes each; plan your photos and discussions accordingly. Presenters receive a 1-minute-remaining alert. Signup for a slot at the link below:

To participate in other Photography Group activities, join the email list:

Location virtual meeting on Zoom

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Lake Cunningham Native Garden
8:00 AM08:00

Lake Cunningham Native Garden

The California Native Garden project in Lake Cunningham Regional Park controls invasive plants in a 2-acre area and beautifies it with California native wildflowers, perennials, shrubs, and trees. Join us to restore habitat (weeding and mulching) in the Native Garden at Lake Cunningham Park, San Jose. During the summer months, we remove invasives throughout the park. Meeting place may change from one week to the next.

For more information and to RSVP please see Meetup:

Location: Lake Cunningham Regional Park

Registration: Sign Up

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Community Work Day at the Native Plant Garden in Kirk Park
9:00 AM09:00

Community Work Day at the Native Plant Garden in Kirk Park

Volunteers meet at the garden on Saturdays from 9 AM to 11 AM, weather permitting, for weeding, watering and other maintenance activities. Occasionally there will be other tasks such as mulching and planting. Community volunteers, including families with children over 6, are always welcome!

For more information and to RSVP please see Meetup: Workdays are sometimes rescheduled or canceled. Always RSVP to confirm, and check the latest updates Friday night. If you can't make it, please change your RSVP so we know and wait-listers get a chance.

Location: Kirk Park, San Jose

Registration: RSVP

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Cataldi Park Native Garden
9:00 AM09:00

Cataldi Park Native Garden

Join us to restore habitat in San Jose’s Cataldi Park. We mulch, plant, weed, water and otherwise care for the native plants we’ve planted in this newly created native garden. Wear a hat and garden shoes and bring water to stay hydrated. Work gloves will be provided.

The work day occurs on Saturdays from 9 - 11. More info on Cataldi Park can be found at:  

Location: Cataldi Park, San Jose

Registration: None

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Urban Forestry Education Center Workday
9:00 AM09:00

Urban Forestry Education Center Workday

Help us maintain and beautify Martial Cottle Park by planting and caring for Oak trees along Branham Lane!

***All first time attendees must submit a Volunteer Waiver & Release form

Location: Urban Forestry Education Center, 391 Chynoweth Avenue San Jose, CA 95136

Link: Urban Forestry Education Center Workday Tickets, Sat, Mar 29, 2025 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite

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Nursery Clean-Up Event w/ the Lions Club
9:00 AM09:00

Nursery Clean-Up Event w/ the Lions Club

This Nursery workday will be a clean-up event in collaboration with the West San Jose-Campbell Lions Club and the California Lions Foundation. The main task for this event will be to fill a 50-yard dumpster with debris and broken materials.

Location: Our City Forest Nursery and Training Center, 1000 Spring St San Jose, CA 95110

Link: Nursery Clean-Up Event w/ the Lions Club Tickets, Sat, Mar 29, 2025 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite

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Saratoga Neighborhood Planting with Our City Forest
9:00 AM09:00

Saratoga Neighborhood Planting with Our City Forest

Please arrive on time for our tree planting demonstration at the beginning of the event to learn how to plant a tree properly. We continue to provide support and guidance during the event. If you'd like to get an idea (or refresher) of the planting process ahead of time, please feel free to check out this 8-minute video: Tree Planting Guide (

Location: TBD, 1195 Clark St San Jose, CA 95125

Link: Saratoga Neighborhood Planting with Our City Forest Tickets, Sat, Mar 29, 2025 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite

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Tomatoes and Other Warm Season Crops for Your Summer Garden - San Martin
10:00 AM10:00

Tomatoes and Other Warm Season Crops for Your Summer Garden - San Martin

Learn about various warm season vegetables you can grow and harvest in summer and fall. We will discuss soil prep, planting seeds and transplants, controlling pests, and harvest tips. You will also transplant a small tomato seedling into a larger pot to eventually plant in your own garden.

Location: South County Teaching and Demonstration Garden: 80 Highland Ave (Corner of Monterey Rd & Highland Ave), San Martin, CA 95046

More info -

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The Secrets to Successful Succulent Landscaping
11:00 AM11:00

The Secrets to Successful Succulent Landscaping

This class and hands-on workshop introduce participants to the unique world of succulents, their characteristics, and benefits.  Discover how to identify appropriate pre-planting conditions and practical maintenance and care tips to ensure your succulents thrive.  Bring your own container and plant a beautiful succulent plant to enjoy in your own landscape!

Check in with the security desk on the first floor. 

Call (510) 320-0626 if you need assistance in finding the location.

Location: Hayward City Hall, 777 B Street, Room 2A, Hayward, CA 94541

Sign Up: Events

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Seed and Cutting Exchange
1:00 PM13:00

Seed and Cutting Exchange

This free event provides an opportunity to share and receive both cuttings and seeds of native plants. We will provide coin envelopes for seeds but do bring containers in which to carry cuttings home.

If you have native plant material from your own garden to share, please bring some. Label it to make it easy to browse – You may find it convenient to use for this

If you bring cuttings, keep them cool and moist in a bucket of water. You don’t have to bring anything if you don’t have any native material to share – there is usually plenty for all.

Location:  Peninsula Conservation Center, 3921 E. Bayshore Road in Palo Alto

Link: Seed and Cutting Exchange

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Calochortus Treasure Hunt, Parts I & II Two talks by Dee Himes
7:00 PM19:00

Calochortus Treasure Hunt, Parts I & II Two talks by Dee Himes

Dee Himes will share her multi-year Calochortus Treasure Hunt, which aims to find and photograph all the mariposa lilies in California. Calochortus belongs to the Liliaceae family, and California has the greatest number of taxa of any state in North America. There is at least one Calochortus species found in every county in California. Dee will highlight their distributions with maps and charts, demonstrate morphological differences between the species and, most importantly, showcase photographs of some of the beautiful flowers she and her husband, Ken, have encountered during their three-year treasure hunt. 

Location: Zoom - Calochortus Treasure Hunt, Part II:

Link: Calochortus Treasure Hunt, Parts I & II Two talks by Dee Himes

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Smart Tree Planting: Ensuring Success from the Start
5:00 PM17:00

Smart Tree Planting: Ensuring Success from the Start

Join us for an informative workshop on tree planting. We’ll cover essential topics such as selecting the right species for your area, choosing a healthy tree from the nursery, and finding the ideal planting location. You’ll also learn proper planting techniques and water-efficient irrigation strategies to ensure long-term success. Whether you're a homeowner, landscaper, or tree enthusiast, this workshop will equip you with the knowledge to plant trees that thrive for years to come

Location: Belle Haven Community Center, Makerspace Room, 2nd Floor

Sign Up: Events

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How to find and fix leaks in irrigation systems
6:00 PM18:00

How to find and fix leaks in irrigation systems

This class shows participants how to find and fix leaks in irrigation systems. Attendees will learn common sources of leaks, like broken pipes and fittings, and offers troubleshooting tips for using water more efficiently. By the end of the class, participants will have the skills and knowledge to take care of their irrigation systems, minimize water waste, and improve the overall health of their gardens.

Location: 560 Fremont Road, Learning Center, Stanford

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Edgewood Restoration
9:00 AM09:00

Edgewood Restoration

Contact Paul Heiple at or (650) 854-7125

Help restore habitat at Edgewood Park and Natural Preserve, known for fabulous wildflowers and amazing diversity near Redwood City. Weeders see far more than weeds: we get to be up close to the native plants, some of which are seen only by weeders.

To participate, join the email list and sign the electronic volunteer agreement, by sending an email to weed-

Please check the email list for each weeding session’s meeting place. For questions about Friday sessions, contact Paul Heiple at or (650) 854-7125.

Location: Edgewood Park and Natural Preserve

Link: Edgewood Restoration

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Lake Cunningham Native Garden
8:00 AM08:00

Lake Cunningham Native Garden

Contact Clara-Valley-Chapter

The California Native Garden project in Lake Cunningham Regional Park controls invasive plants in a 2-acre area and beautifies it with California native wildflowers, perennials, shrubs, and trees. Join us to restore habitat (weeding and mulching) in the Native Garden at Lake Cunningham Park, San Jose. During the summer months, we remove invasives throughout the park. Meeting place may change from one week to the next.

For more information and to RSVP please see Meetup:

Location: Lake Cunningham Regional Park

Link: Lake Cunningham Native Garden

Waiver for first time volunteers:

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Cataldi Park Native Garden
9:00 AM09:00

Cataldi Park Native Garden

Join us to restore habitat in San Jose’s Cataldi Park. We mulch, plant, weed, water and otherwise care for the native plants we’ve planted in this newly created native garden. Wear a hat and garden shoes and bring water to stay hydrated. Work gloves will be provided.

The work day occurs on Saturdays from 9 - 11. More info on Cataldi Park can be found at:  

Location Cataldi Park, San Jose

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Kirk Park Pollinator Garden
9:00 AM09:00

Kirk Park Pollinator Garden

Community volunteers regularly care for this native plant garden at Kirk Park in San Jose. We are always happy to have help at the garden! We meet regularly on Saturday mornings from 9:00 to 11:00am, weather permitting, for light maintenance such as weeding, watering; and occasionally we have plants or seeds to plant. 

The park is open every day, so please come visit! The garden is located along the north edge of the park. If you would like to help out, please sign up for our Saturday work days on the CNPS-SCV Meetup page. If we know you are coming, we can be sure to have tools available for you to use. We can also notify you if, for some reason, we will not be meeting. New volunteers will need to fill out a form for the City.

Location: Kirk Park, San Jose

Link: Kirk Park Pollinator Garden

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Urban Forestry Education Center Workday
9:00 AM09:00

Urban Forestry Education Center Workday

Help us beautify our Arboretum and Demonstration Gardens while learning about Urban Forestry!

***All first time attendees must submit a Volunteer Waiver & Release form

  • Participants18 and older must submit a Participant Waiver and Release Form.

  • Participants under the age of 18 must have a parent/guardian complete the Participant Waiver and Release Form.

  • Participants under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian to attend.

Forms can be submitted electronically to, or brought with you to the event.

Location: Urban Forestry Education Center, 391 Chynoweth Avenue San Jose, CA 95136

Link: Urban Forestry Education Center Workday Tickets, Sat, Apr 5, 2025 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite

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Celebrate Earth Day: Creating a Native Pollinator Garden.
10:00 AM10:00

Celebrate Earth Day: Creating a Native Pollinator Garden.

Celebrate Earth Day by discovering the many varieties of native California wildflowers. Learn how to attract beneficial pollinators, improve soil health, and reduce water use while creating a sustainable, colorful garden. Bring your own container and plant a pollinator-friendly starter plant!

Check in with the security desk on the first floor. 

Call (510) 320-0626 if you need assistance in finding the location.

Location: Hayward City Hall, 777 B Street, Room 2A, Hayward, CA 94541

Sign Up: Events

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Community Work Day at the Native Plant Garden in Kirk Park
9:00 AM09:00

Community Work Day at the Native Plant Garden in Kirk Park

Volunteers meet at the garden on Saturdays from 9 AM to 11 AM, weather permitting, for weeding, watering and other maintenance activities. Occasionally there will be other tasks such as mulching and planting. Community volunteers, including families with children over 6, are always welcome! First-time volunteers will need to fill out a form from the City of San Jose available at

For more information and to RSVP please see Meetup: Workdays are sometimes rescheduled or canceled. Always RSVP to confirm, and check the latest updates Friday night. If you can't make it, please change your RSVP so we know and wait-listers get a chance.

Location: Kirk Park, San Jose


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Multi-Functional Water Efficient Garden Spaces
6:00 PM18:00

Multi-Functional Water Efficient Garden Spaces

Multi-functional garden spaces are a key trend. Learn how to design your yard to serve multiple purposes - seating, cooking, play and more. Integrate edibles into your garden. Transform balconies into lush retreats with a vertical garden. All with a focus on water efficient plantings and smart irrigation.

Zoom link will be emailed before the webinar.

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Lawn Removal and Native Plants
6:00 PM18:00

Lawn Removal and Native Plants

Instructor:  Shelkie Tao

Host:  City of Burlingame

Discover the benefits of replacing your lawn with beautiful, water-efficient native plants! This class will show you how to reduce water usage, save on maintenance costs, and create a more sustainable, eco-friendly landscape for your home or business

Zoom link will be sent before the class.

Sign Up: Events

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OCF x UCANR Gilroy Farm Windbreak Planting
9:00 AM09:00

OCF x UCANR Gilroy Farm Windbreak Planting

Please arrive on time for our tree planting demonstration at the beginning of the event to learn how to plant a tree properly. We continue to provide support and guidance during the event. If you'd like to get an idea (or refresher) of the planting process ahead of time, please feel free to check out this 8-minute video: Tree Planting Guide (

Meeting location: Exact meeting location on the farm will be provided shortly

COVID-19 Protocols: You should not report to your volunteer shift if you are feeling ill or are showing any symptoms of COVID-19.

Disclaimer: At this volunteer event, you may be working with individuals who may be unvaccinated. Please use your discretion in taking the proper precautions.

Location: 9665 New Ave, 9665 New Avenue Gilroy, CA 95020

Link: OCF x UCANR Gilroy Farm Windbreak Planting Tickets, Sat, Apr 12, 2025 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite

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DIY Lawn Conversion Workshop
9:00 AM09:00

DIY Lawn Conversion Workshop

In this workshop, we will discuss the Valley Water Landscape rebate program, how to choose plants for your yard, and the steps to converting a lawn. Additionally, we will host a shrub ID tour with our plants around the education center. This workshop will provide you with resources to start your own lawn conversion.

Location: Our City Forest - Urban Forestry Education Center, 391 Chynoweth Avenue San Jose, CA 95136

Link: DIY Lawn Conversion Workshop Tickets, Sat, Apr 12, 2025 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite

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Urban Forestry Education Center Workday
9:00 AM09:00

Urban Forestry Education Center Workday

Help us beautify our Arboretum and Demonstration Gardens while learning about Urban Forestry!

***All first time attendees must submit a Volunteer Waiver & Release form

  • Participants18 and older must submit a Participant Waiver and Release Form.

  • Participants under the age of 18 must have a parent/guardian complete the Participant Waiver and Release Form.

  • Participants under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian to attend.

Forms can be submitted electronically to, or brought with you to the event.

Location: Urban Forestry Education Center, 391 Chynoweth Avenue San Jose, CA 95136

Link: Urban Forestry Education Center Workday Tickets, Sat, Apr 12, 2025 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite

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Growing Natives Garden Tour
10:00 AM10:00

Growing Natives Garden Tour

Location - Santa Clara Valley & Peninsula

The Growing Natives Garden Tour is a free tour of native gardens in Santa Clara Valley & Peninsula, San Francisco Bay Area, organized by the California Native Plant Society (Santa Clara Valley Chapter) in association with the UC Master Gardeners of Santa Clara County and San Mateo and San Francisco counties.

Go to to register and for more information.

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Growing Natives Garden Tour - South Tours
10:00 AM10:00

Growing Natives Garden Tour - South Tours

The Growing Natives Garden Tour aims to educate the public about the beauty and importance of California native plants through an annual, self-guided, and free tour of private and public gardens. The tour promotes biodiversity and emphasizes the benefits of native plants for water and energy conservation.

Registration: Required, Link

More info -

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Water Efficient Edible Gardening
10:30 AM10:30

Water Efficient Edible Gardening

By the end of this hands-on class, you'll have the knowledge and tools to plant and maintain your own sustainable, water-efficient veggie garden. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced gardener, this course will help you grow healthy, delicious food while conserving water and supporting the environment.

Check in with the security desk on the first floor. 

Call (510) 320-0626 if you need assistance in finding the location.

Location: Hayward City Hall, 777 B Street, Room 2A, Hayward, CA 94541

Sign Up: Events

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Landscape Conversion 101
11:00 AM11:00

Landscape Conversion 101

Do you want to convert your existing landscape to a more efficient and drought tolerant landscape but don’t know where to start? Do you want to enhance the environment for bees and butterflies? In this workshop you will learn how to convert your high-water use lawn to a low water use landscape that is rich in California biodiversity. This workshop will also cover how to retrofit your irrigation equipment with more efficient options and rebates available to you.

Location: SummerWinds Nursery 725 San Antonio Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Sign Up: Events

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Growing Natives Garden Tour
10:00 AM10:00

Growing Natives Garden Tour

Location - Santa Clara Valley & Peninsula

The Growing Natives Garden Tour is a free tour of native gardens in Santa Clara Valley & Peninsula, San Francisco Bay Area, organized by the California Native Plant Society (Santa Clara Valley Chapter) in association with the UC Master Gardeners of Santa Clara County and San Mateo and San Francisco counties.

Go to to register and for more information.

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Growing Natives Garden Tour - North Tours
10:00 AM10:00

Growing Natives Garden Tour - North Tours

The Growing Natives Garden Tour aims to educate the public about the beauty and importance of California native plants through an annual, self-guided, and free tour of private and public gardens. The tour promotes biodiversity and emphasizes the benefits of native plants for water and energy conservation.

Registration: Required, Link

More info -

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Low Water Lawn Alternatives - Cupertino
7:00 PM19:00

Low Water Lawn Alternatives - Cupertino

Come and hear Master Gardener Martha Carpenter explain how to downsize or eliminate your lawn and replace it with low water ornamentals, grasses, and ground covers. Assessing your needs and evaluating your site will be discussed and suggestions for hardy plants and grasses for our climate will be given.

Location: Cupertino Library : 10800 Torre Ave, Cupertino, CA 95014

More info -

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Myth or Fact? Debunking Pest Myths - Online
12:00 PM12:00

Myth or Fact? Debunking Pest Myths - Online

We’ve all heard that opossums eat their weight in ticks, bed bugs are microscopic, and some processed foods contain an allowable number of insect parts. This webinar will cover which “facts” are true and which ones are just popular myths.

Visit the Urban and Community Webinar website to learn more about this webinar series.

Registration: Zoom registration required

Cost: Free

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Planning and Planting a Summer Vegetable Garden - San Jose
10:30 AM10:30

Planning and Planting a Summer Vegetable Garden - San Jose

It's time to plant now for a bumper crop this summer! April and May are the perfect time for starting your edible garden. Join Laura Westley as she teaches all about summer vegetables that grow well in Santa Clara County. Tomatoes, peppers, beans, squash, cucumbers and more will be discussed. Laura will explain the best growing conditions for each vegetable, including temperature, soil, water and how to fertilize.

Location: Willow Glen Public Library : 1157 Minnesota Ave, San Jose, CA 95125, United States

More info -

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Summer Success with the Big Three: Tomatoes,Peppers and Eggplants - Sunnyvale
1:00 PM13:00

Summer Success with the Big Three: Tomatoes,Peppers and Eggplants - Sunnyvale

Join Master Gardeners, Alice Schwegman and Agnes Veith to remember the fun and challenges of growing the Big Three summer vegetables: tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. We’ll discuss optimal planting timings for each as well as what amendments might be needed at planting time. We’ll cover irrigation strategies, look at possible growing challenges from plant diseases and pests and discuss ways to minimize the challenges.

Location: Sunnyvale Teaching and Demonstration Garden: Charles Street Gardens, 433 Charles St, Sunnyvale, CA 94086

More info -

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Container Gardening - Sunnyvale
6:30 PM18:30

Container Gardening - Sunnyvale

In this 3-class course, the Master Gardeners of Santa Clara County will teach how you can grow a wide variety of plants on a patio or balcony.

Dates: Tuesday nights: Apr 22, Apr 29 & May 6

Location: Fremont Unified high School District Adult Education : 589 W Fremont Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94087, USA

Registration: Link

Cost: $60

More info -

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Lawn Replacement 101
10:00 AM10:00

Lawn Replacement 101

Join this discussion to learn how to transform your landscape into a beautiful, water-efficient garden!  Discover how to replace traditional lawns with low- water alternatives and explore design strategies for creating a sustainable garden, proper plant establishment techniques, and best irrigation practices. This class offers all the tools you need to create a thriving, eco-friendly landscape.

Check in with the security desk on the first floor. 

Call (510) 320-0626 if you need assistance in finding the location.

Location: Hayward City Hall, 777 B Street, Room 2A, Hayward, CA 94541

Sign Up: Events

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Bird and Plant ID Walk at Lake Cunningham Park
9:00 AM09:00

Bird and Plant ID Walk at Lake Cunningham Park

With the onset of spring, join us for a beginner’s bird and plant identification walk through Lake Cunningham Park. This lake is a major destination for waterfowl and migratory birds and its native garden draws many birds due to its habitat value.

The distance is 2 miles round-trip on a level path. Bring a hat, water, your bird and plant lists and binoculars. Wear comfortable walking shoes. Parking fee is $6, credit card only.

RSVP is required to join us for the walk. No drop-ins please, and space is limited. To register, visit our Chapter’s Meetup page, here: We open the RSVPs one week before the event. Find your event within the page and tap/click the “Attend” button to reserve your spot.

Location: Lake Cunningham, San Jose

Link: Bird and Plant ID Walk at Lake Cunningham Park (San Jose)

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Cataldi Park Native Garden
9:00 AM09:00

Cataldi Park Native Garden

Join us to restore habitat in San Jose’s Cataldi Park. We mulch, plant, weed, water and otherwise care for the native plants we’ve planted in this newly created native garden. Wear a hat and garden shoes and bring water to stay hydrated. Work gloves will be provided.

The work day occurs on Saturdays from 9 - 11. More info on Cataldi Park can be found at:  

Location: Cataldi Park, San Jose

Registration: None

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Kirk Park Pollinator Garden
9:00 AM09:00

Kirk Park Pollinator Garden

Community volunteers regularly care for this native plant garden at Kirk Park in San Jose. We are always happy to have help at the garden! We meet regularly on Saturday mornings from 9:00 to 11:00am, weather permitting, for light maintenance such as weeding, watering; and occasionally we have plants or seeds to plant. 

The park is open every day, so please come visit! The garden is located along the north edge of the park. If you would like to help out, please sign up for our Saturday work days on the CNPS-SCV Meetup page.

Location: Kirk Park, San Jose.

Link: Kirk Park Pollinator Garden

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Community Work Day at the Native Plant Garden in Kirk Park
9:00 AM09:00

Community Work Day at the Native Plant Garden in Kirk Park

Volunteers meet at the garden on Saturdays from 9 AM to 11 AM, weather permitting, for weeding, watering and other maintenance activities. Occasionally there will be other tasks such as mulching and planting. Community volunteers, including families with children over 6, are always welcome!

For more information and to RSVP please see Meetup: Workdays are sometimes rescheduled or canceled. Always RSVP to confirm, and check the latest updates Friday night. If you can't make it, please change your RSVP so we know and wait-listers get a chance.

Location: Kirk Park, San Jose

Registration: RSVP

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Community Planting with Our City Forest at Oakland Rd. & Calle Artis
9:00 AM09:00

Community Planting with Our City Forest at Oakland Rd. & Calle Artis

Help plant trees in San Jose and surrounding areas; learn how to properly plant a tree to ensure the best chance for a healthy life.

Location: Oakland Road & Calle Artis

Oakland Road Calle Artis San Jose, CA 95131

Link: Community Planting with Our City Forest at Oakland Rd. & Calle Artis Tickets, Sat, Mar 22, 2025 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite

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Lake Cunningham Native Garden
8:00 AM08:00

Lake Cunningham Native Garden

The California Native Garden project in Lake Cunningham Regional Park controls invasive plants in a 2-acre area and beautifies it with California native wildflowers, perennials, shrubs, and trees. Join us to restore habitat (weeding and mulching) in the Native Garden at Lake Cunningham Park, San Jose. During the summer months, we remove invasives throughout the park. Meeting place may change from one week to the next.

For more information and to RSVP please see Meetup:

Location: Lake Cunningham Regional Park

Registration: Sign-up

Waiver for first time volunteers: Sign here

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Capturing Rainwater for Reuse
5:00 PM17:00

Capturing Rainwater for Reuse

In this informative webinar, learn about best practices to install rain barrels and a rain garden to divert precious rainwater from the gutter and to your landscape. Additionally, learn how to site, plant and install your own rain garden and qualify for an additional $300 on top of the Lawn Be Gone rebate when replacing your lawn for drought tolerant plants.

Zoom link be sent before the webinar.

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Edgewood Restoration
9:00 AM09:00

Edgewood Restoration

Help restore habitat at Edgewood Park and Natural Preserve, known for fabulous wildflowers and amazing diversity near Redwood City. Weeders see far more than weeds: we get to be up close to the native plants, some of which are seen only by weeders.

Location: Edgewood Park and Natural Preserve

Registration: Email

Cost: None

Link: Edgewood Restoration

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Outdoor Leak Detection - Online
6:00 PM18:00

Outdoor Leak Detection - Online

Join a ZOOM Webinar (60 minutes) for a free Outdoor Leak Detection webinar hosted by Santa Clara Valley Water. Leaks waste water and cost money, join us to learn: how to detect IF you have a leak, tracking down the source of the leak, preventive measures to avoid potential leaks, and DIY or bring in a pro?

The class is free, but advance registration is required. Please make sure to sign up below.

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Growing Great Tomatoes - Los Altos
7:00 PM19:00

Growing Great Tomatoes - Los Altos

You will be inspired and ready to plant your Tomato plants and enjoy your homegrown Tomatoes this Summer after this Talk. UC Master Gardener Mary Collins will cover soil, seeding, watering, varieties, growing in containers and basic tomato culture.

Location: Orchard Room, Los Altos Library : 13 S San Antonio Rd, Los Altos, CA 94022

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Tulare Hill Wildflower Walk
9:40 AM09:40

Tulare Hill Wildflower Walk

The walk will be 2-3 miles in length and includes a short walk up the hill, about 300 feet elevation gain.

RSVP is required to join the walk. Since this walk is open to CNPS members only, please ensure your CNPS membership is current. Or visit to become a member. No drop-ins please and space is limited. To register, visit our Chapter’s Meetup page, here: We open the RSVPs one week before the event. Find your event within the page and tap/click the “Attend” button to reserve your spot.

Location: Tulare Hill Wildflower Walk (San Jose)

Link: Tulare Hill Wildflower Walk (San Jose)

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Calochortus Treasure Hunt, Parts I & II Two talks by Dee Himes
12:30 PM12:30

Calochortus Treasure Hunt, Parts I & II Two talks by Dee Himes

Dee Himes will share her multi-year Calochortus Treasure Hunt, which aims to find and photograph all the mariposa lilies in California. Calochortus belongs to the Liliaceae family, and California has the greatest number of taxa of any state in North America. There is at least one Calochortus species found in every county in California. Dee will highlight their distributions with maps and charts, demonstrate morphological differences between the species and, most importantly, showcase photographs of some of the beautiful flowers she and her husband, Ken, have encountered during their three-year treasure hunt. 

Location: Zoom - Calochortus Treasure Hunt, Part I:

Link: Calochortus Treasure Hunt, Parts I & II Two talks by Dee Himes

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Bare Roots at the Nursery (Moderate to High Intensity) [Sat PM]
12:45 PM12:45

Bare Roots at the Nursery (Moderate to High Intensity) [Sat PM]

A bare root tree is a dormant tree shipped to us with exposed roots and without soil. We need your help planting them in pots. Care for the urban forest by potting trees with us!

No experience is neccesary, just a willingness to work together!

Location: 1000 Spring St San Jose, CA 95110

Link: Bare Roots at the Nursery (Moderate to High Intensity) [Sat PM] Tickets, Sat, Mar 15, 2025 at 12:45 PM | Eventbrite

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An Introduction to Fruit Tree Grafting - San Jose
10:00 AM10:00

An Introduction to Fruit Tree Grafting - San Jose

Do you ever wish you had room in your yard for more fruit tree varieties? Would you like to extend your fruit production season or improve pollinations? Learn the basics of fruit tree grafting and how you might take advantage of it.

Location: Guadalupe River Park Historic Orchard : 425 Seymour St, San Jose, CA 95110, USA

Registration: Link

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MCP Container Gardening! - San Jose
10:00 AM10:00

MCP Container Gardening! - San Jose

Come join Master Gardener Laura Westley as she teaches you all about successfully growing plants in containers.  You’ll learn what containers to use, and the requirements for soil, fertilizer and water to keep your container garden growing all season!  She'll also do a demo planting in a container.

Location: Martial Cottle Park - UC Master Gardener Pavilion: 5283 Snell Ave, San Jose, CA 95136

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