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Native Plant ID

Contact Janet Hoffmann at

Native Plant ID (formerly Keying with Natives) is a Chapter group that works together to learn plant identification using botanical keys and other resources. Join us as we look at plant samples collected from local gardens and practice methods of identifying the native plants of our region. Feel free to bring in plant samples if you have some from property where you have permission to collect or just come and work with the materials provided. We use the current edition of The Jepson Manual as well as other plant guides, and we have copies to share. The Chapter has 10x hand lenses that we can use to look at small plant parts or bring your own lens. Also bring any reference books that you like to use.

Location: Peninsula Conservation Center (PCC), 3921 E. Bayshore Road in Palo Alto. For more information please contact Janet Hoffmann at

Earlier Event: March 25
Online Plant Sale