Contact: UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County
Sponsor: UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA
Location: Martial Cottle Park in the UC Master Gardener Pavilion
Event Details
Have you seen people gardening on tall mounds of soil and wondered what that was all about? That’s “Hügelkultur”, roughly translated to “Hill Culture”; which is a method of building raised beds / mounds constructed from tree stumps, prunings, leaves and other compostable plant materials which will decompose over a number of years while nourishing plants growing on the mound. This method provides year-round garden benefits of improved soil fertility, water retention, and accessibility for many years into the future!
Come listen to Master Gardener Jim Bell discuss the benefits and planning of a Hügelkultur raised bed, followed by a hands-on demonstration constructing a Hügelkultur bed in our Berry growing area! We recommend that visitors wear closed-toed shoes, layered clothing and a hat, as the class is held outside in our Pavilion and garden. Bring gardening gloves and wear your gardening clothes if you plan to join in the Hands-on activity! (Heavy rains in the week before the talk may cancel the hands-on demonstration). A refillable water bottle, notebook and writing implements are handy. Please arrive 15 minutes early to allow time to park and sign in. Please note: the park charges $6.00 for parking, or park closer to our parcel on Chynoweth Avenue near Vauxhall Circle for free.
Operated in partnership with the Santa Clara County Parks & Recreation.
Presenter: UC Master Gardener Jim Bell
Registration: None
Cost: Free