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UC Master Gardeners: MCP The Story of the Prickly Pear - San Jose

Contact: UC Master Gardeners

Sponsor: UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA

Location: Martial Cottle Park in the UC Master Gardener Pavilion

Event Details

The misunderstood prickly pear (opuntia) leads a dual life as a vegetable and a fruit! In spring time, the fleshy nopales (or paddles) are harvested, cleaned, cooked and added to Italian, Israeli and Mexican/Latin American recipes, and later when the tunas (the prickly pear fruit) ripens in summer, they too are cleaned, peeled and enjoyed fresh or in desserts and refreshments! Come hear tales of the opuntia and all of its charms from Master Gardener Laramie Trevino, who’s harvested and enjoyed the pads and fruit since childhood! She will demonstrate how to safely harvest and prepare the nopales and tunas for eating, and also share recipes for enjoying this unique culinary — and more —  treat.

Presenter: UC Master Gardener Laramie Trevino

Registration: None

Cost: Free

We recommend that visitors wear closed-toed shoes, layered clothing and a hat, as the class is held outside in our pavilion. A refillable water bottle, notebook and writing implements are handy. Please arrive 15 minutes early to allow time to park and sign in. Please note: the park charges $6.00 for parking, or park for free closer to our parcel on Chynoweth Avenue near Vauxhall Circle.