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UC Master Gardeners (Santa Clara County) - Garden Smart for Seniors! (Sunnyvale)

Date: June 24, 2023

Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Contact: UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA

Sponsor: Sunnyvale Public Library

Location: Sunnyvale Teaching and Demonstration Garden, Charles Street Gardens

Event Details: Garden Smart! Tips and tools for Seniors to keep gardening safe, fun and productive!

Master Gardener Linda Eaton will talk about the three most important items you should wear when working in the garden. She’ll show you tools and techniques to make weeding and digging easier. She’ll explain 'Don't stand when you can sit’ and demonstrate how to build a garden box tall enough so you can sit and narrow enough so you can reach the opposite side.

Presenter: UC Master Gardener Linda Eaton

Registration: None

Cost: Free