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UC Master Gardeners: Gardening with Aloes & Agaves - San Jose

Date: June 17, 2023

Time: 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM

Contact: UC Master Gardeners

Sponsor: UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA

Location: Martial Cottle Park in the UC Master Gardener Pavilion

Event Details

You see Aloes & Agaves everywhere in the Succulent Landscape, but how do you tell them apart, and how can you use them? Come learn about these two very versatile and easy to grow plants that thrive in our area from Master Gardener & Succulent Lead Judy Hecht, who will discuss how to tell them apart, how large they can grow, if they flower, and if they will die after flowering.

Presenter: UC Master Gardener Judy Hecht

Registration: None

Cost: Free

We'll be holding our normal 3rd Saturday Succulent Sales on this day.

We recommend that visitors wear closed-toed shoes, layered clothing and a hat, as the class is held outside in our Pavilion. A refillable water bottle, notebook and writing implements are handy.

Please arrive 15 minutes early to allow time to park and sign in. Please note: the park charges $6.00 for parking, or park closer to our parcel on Chynoweth Avenue near Vauxhall Circle for free.