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UC Master Gardeners: Smart Choices for Waterwise Ornamental Garden - Palo Alto

Date: May 6, 2023

Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Contact: UC Master Gardeners

Sponsor: UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA

Location: Palo Alto Demonstration Garden Ct

Event Details: Our water-wise ornamental garden is beautiful this time of year. Come see how easy it is to create a water efficient garden that looks wonderful even in summer heat with only modest watering. Master Gardeners will introduce you to a wide variety of low water plants native to California and other Mediterranean climate areas, plants that grow well under oaks, plants that attract pollinators, and low-water lawn alternatives that are great choices for a water-wise future.

Presenter: UC Master Gardeners - PADG

Registration: None

Cost: Free