Creating Chic Rain Gardens
Sat May 6, 10:00 am - 11:30 am - Open to the Public
Registration Closes Fri May 5, 4:00 pm
Instructor: Landscape Designer and Ecology Educator, Haven Kiers
Host: C/CAG
Details: Learn how to create a chic rain garden that attracts pollinators, reduces storm water run-off and pollution, and earns you at least $300 in financial rebates.
Haven Kiers will guide you on how to remove your lawn and establish a beautiful rain garden that is attractive to passers-by and pollinators! Homeowners who make their yards more climate resilient can get rebates from the city to help fund their efforts. You'll also learn how to apply and qualify for BAWSCA rebates.
Register by Friday, May 5th at 4:00pm: Register