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UC Master Gardeners: Best Plants for Butterflies- Bees- and Other Pollinators

Contact: UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA

Sponsor: Veggielution

Location: Veggielution SoFA Pocket Park

Event Details: Would you like some expert recommendations on which plants to choose for your pollinator garden? Join theXerces Society Monarch Butterfly Conservation planner Maggie Kangas and Master Gardener Carol Peck at the Veggielution SoFA Pocket Park to learn about the different needs of various pollinators so you can create the habitat to help them thrive. We will have a live display of California Native plants that pollinators love, and a planting station so you can get your hands in the soil and bring home a sample!

Name of Presenter (s): Maddy Kangas, Monarch Butterfly Conservation Planner/NRCS Partner Biologist and Master Gardener Carol Peck

Registration: None

Cost: Free

Handout: Best Plants for Butterflies, Bees, and Other Pollinators