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UC Master Gardeners: Design Lessons from A Water Wise Garden - Mountain View

Contact: UC Master Gardeners

Sponsor: UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA

Location: Mountain View Public Library

Event Details

What do you imagine as a water wise or drought tolerant garden? A sandy cactus and succulent garden or shades of green, lots of texture, flowers and wonderful sensory experiences?

The Waterwise garden in the Palo Alto Demonstration Garden showcases over 300 varieties of waterwise plants while incorporating simple design elements to encourage people to stroll through the garden throughout the year. As a Demonstration Garden it is a valuable community resource whether you are redesigning a garden or simply choosing plants to supplement an existing garden. It is free and open all year for public viewing. Learn about the garden and how to effectively use it for your garden.

Name of Presenter(s): UC Master Gardener Dyane Matas

Registration: Link

Cost: Free