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Our City Forest: Tree Care

Trees require maintenance after planting. Come out and help OCF adjust stakes and mulch recently planted trees.

All trees must be stewarded in the urban forest, especially the first three years after planting. Sometimes stakes and straps for newly planted trees need to be replaced or adjusted in the establishment period. Trees also benefit from new mulch. Join our Staff Arborist to assess and provide maintenance for recently planted trees along the South backup of Santa Teresa Blvd. Reach out to with any additional questions.

Please note the meeting address is just the closest meeting point and is not the actual address of the project. We will be helping street trees along the southern side of Santa Teresa Blvd.

COVID- 19 Protocols: You should not report to your volunteer shift if you are feeling ill or are showing any symptoms of COVID-19.

Disclaimer: At this volunteer event, you may be working with individuals who are unvaccinated. Please use your discretion in taking the proper precautions.

***All first time volunteers must submit a Volunteer Waiver & Release form

  • All Volunteers most submit a new waiver the first time they volunteer 2023 whether they are first time volunteers or returners. This waiver will be valid for for all of 2023

  • Volunteers 18 and older must submit a Volunteer Waiver and Release Form.

  • Volunteers under the age of 18 must have a parent/guardian complete the Volunteer Waiver and Release Form.

  • Volunteers under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian to volunteer.

Forms can be submitted electronically to, or brought with you to your volunteer shift.

What to Bring to Volunteer:

  • Closed-toed shoes (No crocs, sandals, flats, etc.)

  • Proper work clothing that can get dirty (long pants are recommended, but make sure your attire is weather appropriate)

  • Appropriate sun or rain protection (Sunscreen, Hat, Rain jacket, etc.)

  • Water! Please bring plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated throughout your volunteer shift)

  • Recommended: Gardening-type gloves

If you arrive at your shift without the above items, you may be turned away from volunteering due to safety reasons.

Free register HERE