Benefits from Giving Your Lawn a Rest
What comes to mind, for many, when asked about what makes a lawn so enjoyable is almost universal: a place to play and to relax. This mental image may include an immaculate cared-for lawn, but tweaking how you maintain your yard may have benefits beyond having more time on your hands. A recent study across North America and Europe by the British Ecological Society found mowing lawns less intensely can increase biodiversity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce pest species! The study, summarized here, also found cost savings of 36% is possible along with decreased pollen load from ragweed with a modest reduction in mowing intensity.
Valley Water has solutions to help your yard remain beautiful even when you mow it less! Receive a rebate from Valley Water to upgrade your irrigation equipment to state-of-the-art models that help you water only when your lawn needs it. When you water less, you’ll mow it less. Valley Water also offers tips on maintaining a lawn during drought, which can be applied to lawn care any time. Or, you can downsize your lawn and receive up to $2,000 (or more in some areas) for planting water-wise plants that don’t even need to be mowed!